Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Our adoption story

Well,  I know that Matt and I share a week or so ago our plans and desires to adopt from CPS.  For those of you that are interested in the story, here it is.

I remember back when Matt and I were dating (over 6 years ago, YIKES) we both talked about our desires to possibly adopt in the future, but left it at that.  Once we decided to add to our family with children, we found it very easy to conceive.  As most of you know, our first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at about 11 weeks.  Though devastating for us, we decided that then, more than ever, we wanted a child.  6 weeks later we found out we were pregnant with Parker!

I can't say that my pregnancy was all THAT bad, knowing some other stories that would blow mine out of the water.  But with being on bed rest from 29 weeks on with hypertension and 2 or 3 stays at the hospital, my pregnancy was less than perfect.  BUT, it was after Parker was born that I started having the real trouble.  After dealing with postpartum anxiety and all that entails (that lasted for more than a year), we decided to wait to have any more children.

When Matt and I started to talk about the idea of adding to our family again, we decided that it was best for the whole family unit that I not become pregnant at this point in our lives.  It was too much of a gamble.  Would history repeat itself?  That scared me.  Matt counts on me, Parker counts on me, I couldn't risk it.  So, after many hours and hours.... and hours of conversation, we decided to adopt.

I always knew that adopting though CPS was the route that was best for us.  We actually have friends who were adopting through CPS, and we decided to learn more information about the agency they went through.  After much research, we decided to go with Covenant Kids.  Covenant kids is a Christian, non-profit organization which acts like a liaison between us and CPS.  Up to this point, we have had nothing but GREAT things to say about this organization.  And now that we are deeper into the process, I believe that the support that they offer will be a lifeline for us in the near future.

We started our actual process Easter morning of this year.  We filled out long applications, got physicals, medical tests, went though hours of classes and trainings.  We also had our dreaded homestudy a week and a half ago.  I was so shocked that this part of the process was a breeze!  It did take 4 1/2 hours, but we actually had a good time.

Now with the final documents in and Parker's TB test to turn in Thursday, our part is done.  DONE!  Now all we have to do is wait for them to read over our homestudy and we are licenced! Crazy.  After licensure, we could get a call at any moment, any time of the day.  The unknown is driving me insane.  But, if I were to guess, it will be the first part of September that we will get a child placed.

What type of child?  Our wish is that we receive an adoptable child from 0-2 years old, all races, and we are open to a sibling group of 2.  Matt and I decided together that our max is 2.  We are praying that the right match takes place quickly and easily.

This is a decision that we don't take lightly and that can never be undone.  We are excited and VERY nervous about this opportunity and ask for your continued prayers and encouragement through this time in our lives.  We are excited about how God is going to use us!

...to be continued...

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