Thursday, May 3, 2012


Changes...  Anyone who knows me knows that I don't like change.

I love routine, schedules, complacency.

But in my almost 6 year marriage, my life has transformed through many changes, and always for the better.  So in saying that, the Compton family is going through a ton of changes, and all of them are to shape this family into what Matt and I believe God wants this family to look like. 

But with change comes insecurity.

Are we making the right choice for us?  For our family?  Now we have a little one and our decisions don't just affect us, but affect him as well.  We must make the best choice for him.  For me, that is SCARY!  I cherish my role is mommy and I want to do the best by him.  So, Matt and I have prayed about these upcoming decisions, and all I can is that I will continue to pray that God will guide us and open doors that He wants open for us.  But for now, all we can do is trust and believe that we have made the right choices.  

One of these changes, we've decided to keep quiet for now, as to let things work itself out, but we... I would really love it if all of you would pray for us about our unspoken.  We need all the help we can get!

As I say that... we are excited to announce that we are moving!  It was kind of a snap decision (not the best way to buy a house), but we found a great house that Matt and I both decided on.  And, a lot of things had to come through before this situation could work it, so we decided that it would definitely be a 'God thing' if all of it worked out... and it DID!  We are so excited!  Matt and I wanted to make sure we use this house as a blessing and a ministry.  Making sure we entertain friends and loved ones and grow those relationships.  An open door policy.  Matt's idea. Wonderful.

We are so excited about our future!

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