You are 3 1/2 now. You have grown so much! Your dad and I are amazed daily how much we can love you.
You are such a gentle spirit.
Your imagination is amazing. Don't ever lose that.
You can play in your own thoughts for hours. Dad and I love to come along with you...
You love sports... especially hockey. You are good at sports too, and we don't know where you got that talent from.
You are so forgiving, you are good at it. I can learn a lot from you.
You are learning to write and to read, we take joy in seeing you grow and grow. But it also makes us sad... especially me, as you are growing up too quickly now. Sadly there will be a day when I have to let go, but I am assured that God won't let go...
Always hold on to God.
He loves you, He made you special for Him. You are HIS, not ours. He just chose us to help you navigate this journey called life.
What an honor.
Be open to His leading. You are called to do great things.
We are so in love with you baby boy.

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